The MonoLED is supplied with a USB interface acting as a shutter emulator to provide on/off control. To utilize this functionality:

  • Download the MonoLED USB drivers from the Cairn website and unzip the folder.
  • Plug in the USB connection and direct Windows to the downloaded drivers.
  • The device will be recognized as a "USB Serial (UBW-based) communications port." Note the COM port number allocated.
  • The LED can be digitally switched in software packages such as:MicroManager: Vincent-D1
    o MetaMorph: Uniblitz Shutter Device
    o NIS Elements: Vincent Associates Shutter For assistance, contact

Yes, it’s possible. While there may be some light loss due to the mismatch between the LED and fiber sizes, a focused image of the LED on the fiber entrance can optimize light coupling.

Cairn can supply the required parts for this.

"White" LEDs combine a blue LED (peak ~445nm) with a broadband phosphor, emitting a mix of blue, green, and red light.

Variants such as cool white, neutral white, or warm white reflect differing levels of red emission.

For fluorescence applications, both primary and secondary emissions can be utilized with appropriate filters.

The OptoLED can switch wavelengths in approximately 100 nanoseconds.

The Lite version offers sub-millisecond switching, sufficient for most applications.

OptoLED: Controls two LEDs independently, offers stable optical output with optical feedback, and allows rapid pulsing (~100 nanoseconds). 

MonoLED: Designed for simpler applications and lacks the optical feedback and high-frequency pulsing capabilities

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