Upright macro and microscopes configured for live-cell applications, particularly in conjunction with electrophysiology or for lightsheet imaging.

  • Olympus BX51WI

    • Vibration free design
    • Infrared contrast
    • Fluorescence macro observation

  • Nikon Eclipse FN1

    • World’s First Water Dipping Objective with Depth Induced Aberration Correction
    • Streamlined Operation
    • New Objective Provide Ideal IR-DIC Imaging

  • Olympus MVX10 MacroView

    • Zoom factor up to 31 times
    • Seamless observation from 4X to 125X
    • High specimen protection

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Our upright microscopes have a range of illumination options, along with a trinocular head (for image capture). They include a precision sample stage and magnification options up to 1000x.
If you can’t find exactly what you need then please don’t hesitate to contact us at sales@cairn-research.co.uk / tech@cairn-research.co.uk.