Scientific Instrument

At Cairn we pride ourselves on providing cutting edge off-the shelf products for scientists worldwide, with a custom design team ready to provide bespoke solutions and transform your vision into reality.

Custom Design

Some experimental challenges cannot be solved using off-the-shelf components. We are here to help you build bespoke components or complete custom solutions.

Custom Design Microscopy - Cairn Research

Light Sources

Versatile light sources for diverse illumination needs.

MacroLED - Cairn Research Ltd

Imaging Modules

Lightsheet imaging for sensitive live samples and cleared organoids.

Image Splitters

Simultaneous imaging of multiple wavelength, polarisation, or z-depth channels.

TwinCam - Cairn Research

Microscope Cameras

Advanced features and robust performance, our cameras ensure precise and reliable data capture.

What our
clients have
to say

“Cairn Research are a fantastic company, making bespoke scientific equipment to suit your experimental needs. Excellent customer support and very reasonably priced. I cannot recommend them highly enough.”

Dr. John O'Neill

Postdoctoral Scientist

“The build quality of their equipment is excellent, and has proven both reliable and versatile in our lab’s day-to-day research; our Cairn equipment has provided years of dependable service.”

Dr. Andrew James

Senior Lecturer in Bacterial Pathogenesis

“Over the past 20 years we have purchased a wide range of equipment from Cairn Research, ranging from several Optopatch amplifiers, OptoLED, Optosourse arc lamp and custom-made optical pathways for nanoscale measurements.”

Walter Marcotti

Professor of Sensory Neuroscience

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