
Light tight enclosure for sensitive optical recordings. Conducting luminescence experiments on a microscope requires a significantly different approach to low-light fluorescence.

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Sensitive deep-cooled CCD or EMCCD cameras are used with exposures of several seconds up to tens of minutes, so the chamber must be completely light tight. Researchers typically build their own chambers which requires significant time and effort and is often unsatisfactory, especially with regard to access to the microscope. The LumiScope solves this problem by providing a completely lighttight chamber with a large, fully-sealed, door and mounting points, access for cables, perfusion tubing etc.

We also have significant experience and expertise in configuring chambers with high NA imaging lenses for low magnification applications with the camera mounted on top of the chamber.

Please contact our sales team with your specific requirements.

Application Usage

  • Bio and chemi luminescence
  • Single molecule imaging
  • Fluorescence imaging in an open lab (brightly lit) environment

Features and Benefits

  • Stable and clean imaging environment
  • Easy access
  • True photon tight environment
  • Suitable for commercial microscope frames or camera lenses
  • Optional light tight top port for coupling c-mount camera
  • Large opening door for convenient access
  • Mounting holes for 25mm spaced commerical AV table
  • Interior LED light
  • Light-tight access ports for cables and fibre optics
  • Optional earthing tabs for electrical screening
  • Internal dimensions: 700w x 800d x 880h
  • Extended width chamber for camera mounted on sideport
  • Bespoke size on request

Research Examples

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Cairns’s design ethos is based on compatibility across a wide range of manufacturers. In the rare case where we do not have a compatible part, we have a custom design team available to provide a solution. 

We provide a comprehensive 12-month warranty on all our products.

We aim for a delivery time of 2-4 weeks. However, the specific delivery time will be confirmed at the point of order.

We offer full training and support across our entire product range. 

Yes, we have full custom design capabilities and a multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers available to provide a solution that meets your needs. 

Our CellCams are supported in Micro-Manager and we have a full SDK available. 

Customer Reviews

"The build quality of their equipment is excellent, and has proven both reliable and versatile in our lab’s day-to-day research; our Cairn equipment has provided years of dependable service."
Andrew James
“Over the past 20 years we have purchased a wide range of equipment from Cairn Research, ranging from several Optopatch amplifiers, OptoLED, Optosourse arc lamp and custom-made optical pathways for nanoscale measurements.”
Walter Marcotti
“What I love about this company is the quality and the reliability of every piece of equipment that I purchased. The instruments are made of high-grade materials (mostly aluminum for the optics components) and are intended for heavy everyday use in the laboratory. “
Andreas Werdich

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