Product Description
High-Resolution Light Sheet Imaging in the Palm of Your Hand
The Tilt light sheet illumination system captures all the advantages of light sheet imaging with minimal photo-damage, bleaching or toxicity. Not content with just offering a macro product we have partnered with Paul Maddox and Tanner Fadero at UNC, to commercialize their lowphototoxicity, high NA, LITE microscope. This was also used extensively over the summer in Woods Hole and has generated significant images and interest. It shares a common philosophy with the L-SPI in being modular, microscope agnostic and not requiring complex reconstruction of images.
We’ve tested the new MizarTILT light-sheet microscopy system at our UCL laboratory. The MizarTILT considerably constrains the sample illumination while allowing imaging with high-NA objectives normally employed in high-quality super-resolution microscopy. With it, we are able to collect outstanding data using our SRRF super-resolution method, while imaging live-cells with considerably reduced phototoxicity. It is truly an amazing piece of kit.Download Data Sheet Manuals video support Get a Quote Back to Light Sheet Systems